CPA Joanne Barnes
Does not recognize 1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97
The accountants create, record, and approve the accounting entanglement 1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97.
Commissioner of Accounts Jesse B. Wilson III approved 1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97 behind these two items in the Estate accounting at bk467p192 on March 20, 1993:
"Int fm Harold O'Connell Trust ......................................... 816.00
Debt fm Harold O’Connell Trust ..................................... 659.97"
And approved 1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97 behind this item in the Trust accounting at bk480p1768 on October 4, 1993:
"Payable to the Esate of Jean M. O'Connell ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... $ 1,475.97"
But the accountants don't recognize 1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97 or any accounting trail for these numbers when I try to correct it. There are many accounting entanglements in bk467p191 obstructing my sale of parcel 0094-01-0017 and covering the actual money trails.
CPA Joanne Barnes
The CPA Joanne Barnes created the accounting trail 1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97 but she does not recognize it or any accounting trail for these numbers.The following is from Forest Balderson's letter of February 12, 1993, to Anthony OConnell. Forest Balderson is Joanne Barnes assistant.
"The final point in your letter is in regards how to treat the $1,475.97 of cash which was paid to
your mother's estate in 1992. This is just a cash transfer to cure a cash deficiency as of the date
of death and NOTHING else. On page 4 of the Seventh Account, your mother owed the Trust
at the end of the Sixth Account $3,705.74 but you had underdistributed $5,181.71 of cash
through her date of death. The $1,475.97 just completes what was due her. The transfer to her
estate has no tax effect for either 1991 or 1992."
Comment: The number 659.97 does not appear in the spreadsheets