Lawyer fix
The Pattern is to covertly plant an obstacle to to block me from doing my job.
To frame me to get rid of me.
The fraudster's "lawyer fix" and "come in" instructions to our Mother, Jean O'Connell
Step 1 - In secret, plant obstacle; "bond problem" ["lawyer fix"]
Step 2 -
Make coming consequences appear as my fault.
Step 3 - I travel from Arizona to the Fairfax County Court in Virginia to qualify as Trustee. Just before entering the Court I'm told there is a problem that prevents me from qualifying as Trustee. I don't get to see what it is.
Step 4 - Correct, or pretend to correct,"bond problem".
Step 5 - I'm told I qualified as Trustee.
Step 6 -
4/21/1988 Surprise. At settlement of my sale of our home place the Deed says I could not qualfy as Trustee. The identity of the "bond problem" remains a secret.
The "bond problem"
document remains a secret, as of today, November 12, 2017. I am guessing that it may be the same unknown issue used to get rid of me as Trustee of our family's 15 acres in Fairfax County in 2012. I never could find out what the issue was in "IN RE: HAROLD A. OCONNELL"
Step 1
In secret, plant obstacle; "bond problem" ["lawyer fix"]
Jean O'Connell's 1985(?) memos of the accountant's covert "lawyer fix" and "come in" instructions to her are below. They were found in her papers after her death in 1991. Secrecy is fatal to the family and essential to the fraudsters.
"Bond fee- Lawyer fix so
bond pd when sold.
nominal amt now."
"Clerk 691-2224
691-4193- give
fiduciary no. 21840
Come in - surety bond-)
(Va resident with)
Patty Moat ot"
Whatever the lawyer fixed in 1985-1986 remains a secret, so I have no choice but to guess. My best guess is that the accountants instructed our Mother, Jean O'Connell, to come in to the Court and sign something under the guise that it was a customary document concerning non-resident fiduciaries and a bond.
My best guess is that this still unknown something is actually used to shut me out, to justify saying that the non-resident fiduciary Anthony O'Connell could not qualify as Trustee under the Trust established by the 1975 Will of our Dad.
Step 2
Make coming conseequences appear as my fault.
1986.04.25 (Edward White to Henry Mackall, in part)
"I would appreciate it if you would forward this to Mr. O'Connell and clarify with him his intention to qualify on May 1st. If he does not agree or requests further delaying tactics, I feel that I have no other recourse in serving my client than to seek to have him removed as a Trustee. This matter is costing Mrs. O'Connell dearly with the delay."
Step 3
I travel from Arizona to the Fairfax County Court in Virginia to qualify as Trustee.
Just before entering the Court I'm told there is a problem.
I don't get to see what it is.
1986.05.08 (Henry Mackall to Anthony O’Connell and H.A. Higham)
"Enclosed please find a copy of my letter to Mr. White together with copy of a proposed Petition and Order in connection with the bond problem we ran into when you attempted to qualify[On May 1]. I have discussed this with Mr. White and expect no problem getting it entered. If either of you have any objections to anything in either of these documents please let me know.
Sincerely, Henry C. Mackall”
(Below comment to above: Why would Mr. Mackall have me come from Saint Louis, Missouri, to Fairfax, Virginia, to qualify in Court, and after my telling him that the named non-resident trustee H. A. Higham and I have known each other since high school, ask us to wait outside the Court while he went in by himself? What is the bond problem document Mr. Mackall ran into?)
Step 4
Correct, or pretend to correct, "bond problem".
1986.05.08 (Henry Mackall to Edward White)
"Enclosed is a copy of the Petition I plan to file in connection with the bond matter I discussed with you on the phone. Also enclosed is the original and a copy of these documents please give me a call. If you agree with what I am proposing please have Mrs. O'Connell sign the proposed Order and send it back to me with your endorsement. I think it certainly should be entered and trust that I will not have any difficulty getting it done.
Thank you for your assistance.
Sincerely, Henry C. Mackall”
1986.05.19 (Henry Mackall to Edward White)
"In accordance with our phone conversation of earlier today, I have revised the Petition and Order I had sent you in connection with the above matter. If you and your client are in agreement please sign the original Order and return it to me. I will then file the Petition , have the Order entered, and the Trustees will be qualified.
Thank you for your assistance.
Sincerely, Henry C. Mackall”
Step 5
I'm told I qualified as Trustee
1986.06.23 (Statement) (Henry Mackall to Anthony O’Connell)
"You have officially qualified as Trustees under the Last Will and Testament of Harold A. O'Connell. You have given bond in a penalty of $842,000.00 without surety. Enclosed are copies of the following documents:
1. Certification of Qualification issued June 20, 1986.
2. Order entered June 11, 1986 by Judge Middleton.
3. Petition filed on behalf of Mr. O’Connell requesting authority for the Trustees to qualify without surety.
4. Agreement dated January 28, 1985 between the Trustees and Jean O’Connell.
5. Eighteen page notice to Fiduciaries together with Inventory and Accounting forms and fee schedule. The sole asset initially is the undivided interest in the two parcels of real estate. This should be reflected on the Inventory filed in Mr. McCandlish’s Office. Mrs. O’Connell will now be able to file her final accounting as Executrix to notify me when this account is filed. Statement for services is also enclosed.
Sincerely, Henry C. Mackall”
Enclosure (certificate):
Circuit Court of Fairfax County
State of Virginia
County of Fairfax, to-wit: Fiduciary No. 21840
I, WARREN E . BARRY, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Fairfax, Virginia, the same being a Court of Probate and of Record and having a seal, do hereby certify that it appears of record in my office pursuant to law that ANTHONY M. O'CONNELL & HERBERT ANDERSON HIGHAM have been duly appointed TRUSTEES under the Last Will and Testament of : HAROLD A. O'CONNELL and that they have qualified as such by taking the oath presctibed by law and by entering into and acknowledging a bond in the penalty of EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY TWO. THOUSAND
Dollars, wlthout surety.
I further certify that the said appointment and qualification is still in full force and effect and has not been revoked.
set my hand, and affixed the seal of said Court
hereto, at Fairfax, Virginia this 20th day of June, 1986
By Patricia L(?) Moat
Deputy Clerk
Step 6
At settlement of my sale of our home place the Deed says I could not qualfy as Trustee. The identity of the "bond problem" remains a secret.
1988.04.21 (Deed written by Edward White but apparently not recognized that it is written by Edward White, in part)
"Whereas by Deed of Partition recorded in Deed Book 4026 at Page 454, the property was reconveyed to Harold A. O'Connell as to an undivided one-half interest and to Jean M. O'Connell, as to an undivided one-half interest, whereas, Harold A. O'Connell died testate May 26, 1975, and by his Last Will and Testament recorded in Will Book 201 at Page 96, devised his interest to his executor Anthony M. O'Connell, Trustee; whereas Anthony M. O'Connell, Trustee, could not qualify and Herbert A. Higham, Trustee, was appointed to act in his place and stead.
History suggest that the clause "ANTHONY MINER O’CONNELL, Trustee Under the Last Will and Testament of Harold A. O’Connell" in the 1992 Trust documents such as the deed for Accotink will not be recognized in the settlement of a sale of Accotink and what ever might be used to justify it not being recognized will remain unknown:
THIS DEED IN TRUST UNDER LAND TRUST AGREEMENT, made this 16th day of October, 1992 by and between JEAN MARY O’CONNELL NADER and HOWARD NADER, husband and wife, SHEILA ANN O' CONNELL and PIERRE SHEVENELL, husband and wife, ANTHONY MINER O’CONNELL, divorced and not remarried, and ANTHONY MINER O’CONNELL, Trustee Under the Last Will and Testament of Harold A. O’Connell (collectively, “Grantors"); and ANTHONY MINER O’CONNELL, Trustee, of Fairfax County, Virginia (hereinafter sometimes collectively referred to as "Trustees" or "Grantees"):
(From the 1992 deed for Accotink)
This pattern of unknowns is one reason why the sale of Accotink has had to be on hold. Can we find out what the lawyer fixed? Can we get the accountants to take a position on whether Anthony O'Connell did, or did not, qualify as co-trustee u/w of H. A. O'Connell on June 20, 1986, and that he was still qualified as co-trustee u/w of H. A. O'Connell on October 16, 1992, when he signed the 1992 for Accotink as one of the Grantors, so that all concerned can rely upon it? It's been twenty-nine years now.
To get to the truth it is absolutely essential to expose the document(s)(?) that the accountants had our Mother come in to the Court and sign. This is core. History suggests that our Mother and her family did not have a chance against the accountants after she followed the "lawyer fix" and "come in" instructions.
Jean O'Connell's Memo found in her papers after her death on September 15, 1991.
Big envelope 3 transcribed
xxxx.xx.xx (Unknown dates) (Ten Jean OConnell's memos on the large manila envelope not addressed to anyone. These are on the side with the metal fastener. None of the memos are dated so their chronology is guesswork)
""good man Henry Mackall
Interest transferred to trustee OK
Main thing - go ahead
showing % geo in interest
Not Have to be co-trustee?"
"Tony qualify
JoAnn " "
"Bond fee- Lawyer fix so
bond pd when sold.
nominal amt now."
"look over carefully. & call for questions
qualifying Trustee,
then trust - lawyer"
"""later non-taxable exchange.-
-leave to son-
lawyer & commissioner"
"qualify trustee"
"Equalization Bd.
will call when
another date open"
"Clerk 691-2224
691-4193- give
fiduciary no. 21840
Come in - surety bond-)
(Va resident with)
Patty Moat ot